Wednesday, July 28, 2010


My schedules are packed while it is actually a fact that I'm fucking free. Yes, I've done a lot through out the weeks after my second examination. I've cleared many chapters in the sylllabus. I survived my report card nag. I registered for 4 trips after PMR. I've used my free time to think about the society. I've managed to bring my interest in music to a higher stage. I've tried to change my attitude at home by doing more work. I could make the list go on. If I were to stop doing tthe above activity. I'd be fucking free. Of course, my personality never permits me to be lazy. But as a result, I'm getting imbalanced. Or put it in a much simpler way, I'm not satisfied with life.I feel that I could make life a lot more fun. This stage isn't the max. There's more to than repeating the same routine everyday.

1) Clearing chapters and notes everyday. It's done by force. Yep, I force myself everyday just so I could achieve that goal. Of course I want 8a's. There's a price to pay. I have to drink coffee everyday to replenish strength and the energy to do that. Dude, sitting in front of piles of books everyday for more than 7 hours, it's insane. (7 hours = 4 hours in the evening + 3/2hours at night, you can imagine how I manage it everyday because I still have the time to facebook. =D) What can you conclude from that? - 残局 (Because it's tiring)

2) Doing housework and changing attitudes. I'm not complaining. It's my duty in the first place. Mom and Dad's days are numbered (Touchwood La) In exchange mom becomes less tired, dad reduces his sour face and nags. The price I pay is being unhappy BECAUSE THATS JUST NOT ME! Should I be myself or be the person they want me to be? I don't mind doing the work, I mind changing and revoloutioning myself. Well, no choice - 残局.

3) Observing the society. This makes me so imbalanced. I hate to see the facts but I just can't help myself from politics and education issues. If you observe my facebook posts, everything has something to do with Malaysia and how its progressing. Sometimes I just feel like Spraying the word "FUCK OFF" on the merdeka banners they put up in my school corridors. First I started to look into Hak Bumiputeras. Then, they show this amazing topic of abolishing UPSR and PMR. It get's better. Sinchew posts an interesting daily update of how Universities and students are doing in Malaysia. I don't need to elaborate much. Because its a - 残局.

I have no comments about life no more. 残局.

Song Of The Week.

跨乐星光 (2010娱协新人主题曲)

作曲:凌加峻 / 作词:凌加峻、王素怡 / 编曲:饶善强 / 制作:王诗豪

我们要清楚知道方向目标 只有做好自己最重要
没有尽情奔跑 只是时机未到
我不要绕着跑道百般无聊 我又不是被囚禁的鸟
用高音符号 搭建跨乐世界的桥

银河多闪耀 星星都相聚多热闹 热情的拥抱 新星们报到
星际的怀抱 给我们依靠 你们的照耀 让我们燃烧

让我们一起来玩耍 跨乐世界谱出童话
在舞台上遇到的甜酸苦辣 我们一起分享

让我们一起来玩耍 挥霍音乐划出星光
管它无尽宇宙有多浩瀚 我们会更闪亮
因为你们 是我们的太阳

让我们一起来玩耍 在星空下创造那童话
在生活中遇到的甜酸苦辣 我们愿意跟你分享

银河多闪耀 星星都相聚多热闹 热情的拥抱 新星们报到
星际的怀抱 给我们依靠 你们的照耀 让我们燃烧

让我们一起来玩耍 跨乐世界谱出童话
在舞台上遇到的甜酸苦辣 我们一起分享

让我们一起来玩耍 挥霍音乐划出星光
管它无尽宇宙有多浩瀚 我们会更闪亮
因为你们 是我们的太阳

就算偶尔困在黑洞里打转 我们也不会轻易迷失方向
跟着五线谱就能继续运转 音乐呼唤 唱出曙光

让我们一起来玩耍 跨乐世界谱出童话
在舞台上遇到的甜酸苦辣 我们一起分享

让我们一起来玩耍 跨乐世界创造童话
在舞台上遇到的甜酸苦辣 我们一起分享
因为你们 是我们的力量

*I will never say never.*